Press releases 2020

26 October 2020

Letter to Signatories Oct 2020 MSC response

Dear signatories,
Thanks for your letter of October 8th. In our previous correspondence, I said that communication is
more important than ever, and in that spirit, I want to thank all signatories to this letter for taking
time to present your perspective to the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). As you know, MSC
shares your objection to the practice of shark finning and is committed to using our certification
program as effectively as we can to eliminate this abhorrent practice.

Open Letter ICCAt October, 2020

„It’s #MakeOrBreak4Mako. Sharkproject and 37 other NGOs, retailers, and wholesalers have submitted a statement to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna (ICCAT) urgently requesting the introduction of effective conservation measures for this endangered (IUCN red list) shark species. ICCAT must implement an immediate retention ban in the Atlantic for this CITES App. II listed species – without any exceptions. Otherwise, this vulnerable shark species may soon become extinct in the Atlantic“

09 September 2020

NGO letter to EU Commisioner Virginijus Sinkevičius

Mr. Virginijus Sinkevičius,
European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries

Subject: Bycatch of Protected Shortfin Mako Sharks – Urgent Need to Act

Dear Commissioner Sinkevičius,
It is clear that the impacts of COVID-19 have presented challenges to regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) in conducting meetings and addressing important conservation and management issues in 2020. In the case of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), it has led to the cancellation of its annual commission and science (SCRS) meetings.

14 Jan 2020

Call for independent and comprehensive investigation into human rights abuses in the
convention area of the WCPFC fishery

Observers play a crucial role in ensuring that fishing takes place legally, sustainably, to regulations
established by national and international authorities and conventions. However, observers on tuna and
other industrial vessels are vulnerable at sea because they have an obligation to report illegal
activities such as shark finning and the retention of protected species, and the data they collect can
affect stock assessments, access and certification processes, leaving them potential targets for
intimidation and abuse.

10 Feb 2020

NGOs, industry and scientists call on Marine Stewardship Council to take urgent action on shark finning.

Letter calls for urgent, ambitious action to stamp out and proactively prevent shark finning from certified fisheries in light of conservation status of sharks. Signatories urge MSC to implement ‘Fins Naturally Attached’ policy as a pre-requisite for certification in line with global best practice and to take steps to ensure compliance. 

A wide-ranging group of over 56 stakeholders spanning the industry, NGO sector and academia, including SHARKPROJECT International, Greenpeace International, EJF, Shark Allies, Wild Aid Hong Kong, OceanCare, Pro Wildlife, die Deutsche Stiftung Meeresschutz, Stop Finning, Professor Callum Roberts, Professor for Marine Conservation at the University of York, GB and the Swiss retailer Migros, have written to the MSC to express their concerns about the ongoing incidence of shark finning in MSC-certified fisheries and the MSC’s continued reluctance to implement globally acknowledged best practice to ensure this can no longer continue. This issue has already been addressed on several occasions with the MSC Board and in previously sent open letters in 2018 and 2019, signed by over 50 stakeholders. Therefore, this letter now calls for the Board to finally implement effective actions at its upcoming Board meeting.

03 Feb 2020

Press Release Stop Finning — Stop the Trade

Press Release
SHARKPROJECT supports the demands of the European Citizens‘ Initiative „Stop Finning – Stop the Trade“ to end the shark fin trade in the European Union (EU). The collection of signatures has started on February 1st, 2020 and will last for one year until one million votes have been gathered overall from at least seven EU member states.

Dusseldorf, 19 Jan 2020

Press Release Stop Finning - Stop the Trade

Sharkproject demands an end to the trading of shark fins in Europe! With an European Citizens‘ Initiative politics are called to action. From 01.02.2020 onwards we ask all EU Citizens to cast their vote for the protection of sharks.