Country organization of Sharkproject in Germany, based near Frankfurt a.M., is active in Germany & Belgium.

Sharkproject Germany e.V.

In September 2008 — exactly 6 years after the start of Sharkproject e.V. — the national organization Sharkproject Germany e.V. was founded. The aim is to implement the international activities at the national level.

We should not always look to the Far East when searching for those responsible for the extinction of sharks.

As long as in Germany you can still find smoked dogfish, sea eels (spiny dogfish) and shark steaks (blue or porbeagle shark) in many shops and restaurants, and as long as European nations fish for sharks on a huge scale, we are just as guilty of shark extinction if we do nothing about it.

We must therefore first put our own house in order. We want to pull out all the stops in German politics and among German consumers to mobilize a critical mass so that we can save the oceans at the last minute.

You can see what we are doing and how you can help us on this website — or email us. We look forward to your ideas and support.

Sharkproject Germany e.V.

Initiative for the Protection of Sharks and Marine Ecosystems

Ottostraße 13
63150 Heusenstamm

Phone: +49 6104 670984

EUR - Euro Account
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
IBAN: DE20 4306 0967 6061 6261 00

Board Germany

Germany National Chairperson: Juliane Höfler
Deputy National Chairperson: Jasmin Finger
Deputy National Chairperson: Jan Bierwirth 
Treasurer: Claudia Werner

The board as well as all volunteers work on a voluntary basis and are committed to the purposeful use of all donations for the protection of sharks and the marine ecosystem. Thank you for your support!

How you can help us and the sharks

We are regularly looking for helpers and speakers for events, projects, or lectures who are willing to help out free of charge. Please contact us if you would like to actively help us.

Of course, donations, sponsorships, or sponsorship are always welcome. You can find an overview of the possibilities to become active for Sharkproject here.

Awards and partner organizations

Network partners Ocean Decade

More information:

Transparent Civil Society Initiative

Blog Germany

BOOT Düsseldorf 2024

Return to the world's largest and most important trade fair for boating and water sports

Sharkweeks 2023

Highlights from this year's lecture tours

InterDive 2023

Back at the small but nice fair

ESD-Day in the Center for Practical Teacher Training

Dortmund under the sign of education for sustainable development

Big Blue Future or Big Blue Failure?

Seafood Eco-Label MSC's Revised Standard

Obituary Siebert Lapp

Longtime supporter passed away

Europe Calling to Save Sharks: Will the EU listen to the Request of its Citizens?

An Analysis of the public hearing of the ECI by Sharkproject

MOU on the Conservation of Migratory Sharks

Memorandum of Understanding of the UN was hosted in Bonn


Finally, boot again: from January 21-29, 2023 the international trade fair boot Düsseldorf took place. After two years of Corona break, Sparkproject was finally back at the biggest boat show in the world

We mourn the death of Michael Mather

It is very difficult to make an obituary about a good friend.

SharkGuardian finally delivered in person

After a virtual delivery via Zoom Edgar Mauricio Hoyos-Padilla could now accept his real Shark Guardian trophy

Delivery of the votes for "Stop Finning - Stop the Trade"

Now it's up the the EU-Parliament: A Citizen Initiative demands not only to ban the cruel finning but also the trade with fins

News from the "blue savannah"

First successful trial of Sharkproject-funded device to analyze e-DNA

Beach Cleaning Actions in Egypt

Beach Cleaning Actions in Wadi Gemal National Park

IOTC 2022

26th Session of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission does not achieve improvements for either sharks nor tuna

Shark research in South Africa

MSC & the Blue Label

"Last Call" or the last chance for the Marine Stewardship Council & the Blue Label!

Shark Guardian 2022

Sharkproject honors Mexican researcher Edgar Mauricio Hoyos Padilla as “Shark Guardian”

Comment on ICCAT meeting for Makosharks

Intersessional Meeting once again failed to agree on a retention ban for shortfin mako sharks but still claims to make progress