Our educational programs.

SHARKPROJECT offers free and interactive educational programs for children, teenagers and adults about sharks and their impacts on the marine ecosystem.
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Contents & Duration

The duration and content are agreed with the teachers in advance and adapted to the respective class and learning program.

Age-appropriate learning

The structure and content have been adapted to the respective age group and educational level together with teachers.

Lesson Locations

The events take place in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, or online worldwide in various languages.


Education for sharks is very important to SHARKPROJECT and is therefore provided free of charge by trained, volunteer speakers.

free education Our concept for children,
teenagers & adults

Everyone should have free access to knowledge and education. SHARKPROJECT pursues this concept to raise awareness among children, teenages and adults for the protection of sharks. Children are the future and can achieve great things through their actions and exchanges with adults.

Children's and Youth Programms

With our interactive educational programs, we help even the youngest children to understand the importance of sharks and their impacts on the marine ecosystem.

1. Kindergarten & Elementary School

Program Structure

Readings take place for kindergarten children and primary school pupils under the motto “What you always wanted to know about sharks”.

Parts from the short stories “Michel, the Little White Shark” are provided with lectures and films.

The children can also get creative with various craft materials.


Can be individually adapted. For example, a lecture from one of the books lasts approx. 30 minutes.

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2. Secondary Levels I and II

Program Design

The modular and age-appropriate presentations for students at secondary levels I and II are enhanced with exciting films and interesting facts. The modular units include topics such as the marine ecosystem and the food chain, shark biology or its endangerment.

The presentations encourage students to reflect on their own behavior and to work out together how people can behave more sustainably.


The modules are adapted to the duration of the school lessons and are planned individually by the speakers according to the respective requirements. At least one double lesson is recommended.

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Help us and teach others become a speaker

We need active support from volunteers who enjoy carrying out lectures and sharing knowledge.

Support us as a speaker to ensure the continued education of children, young people and adults.

Become a speaker

Adult Programs

SHARKPROJECT offers various options to adults  about species and marine conservation. We are happy to advise on the possibilities and way to implement them.

Extensive information and illustrative material as well as exhibits support the presentations and information stands at trade fairs, museums or public events.

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    your contact in Switzerland Anke Apelt

    If you have any questions or other concerns about the school program in Switzerland, Anke from SHARKPROJECT will take care of them.

    your contact in Switzerland Roger Bischof

    If you have any questions or other concerns about the school program in Switzerland, Roger from SHARKPROJECT will take care of them.

    your contact in Austria Adi Huber

    If you have any questions or other concerns about the school program in Switzerland, Adi from SHARKPROJECT will take care of them.

    your contact in Germany Katharina Zentgraf

    If you have any questions or other concerns about the school program in Switzerland, Katharina from SHARKPROJECT will take care of them.

    your contact person Frank Trendelkamp

    Deputy Head of Team Education, Referent

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