you can make a difference! SHARKPROJECT sponsorship.

Every euro supports our work to protect sharks. You have the option to become a sponsor yourself or to make someone happy and offer a sponsorship as a gift.

Choose your desired sponsorship:

Total Amount

Data of gifted person

Daten der beschenkten Person

For technical reasons, we need the email address of the recipient. If you don't know it, you can enter your own email address here as well. No confirmation will be sent to the recipient, so you can surprise them yourself.

Your Data

Deine Daten

Your data
Due to technical reasons we need the following personal information:
Direct Debit
Billing Name and Address

your contact person Claudia Doktor

If you have any questions, would like to know how you can best support us, or if there are any technical issues, please feel free to contact Claudia from SHARKPROJEKT directly.

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