Patrick Egloff


Why is shark protection or marine conservation important to you?

Sharks - my favorite animals - embody for me the fascinating combination of survival and adaptability, strength and determination.

However, it is with dismay that I observe the rapid decline in marine diversity. Sharks are key species that ensure the balance of the marine ecosystem. Their protection is essential to preserve the fascinating underwater world for future generations.


Do you have any special skills, experiences or adventures?

  • The sight of excessive plastic waste underwater has had a lasting impact on my environmental awareness and strengthened my determination to actively contribute to the protection of the oceans.
  • Technological and process strength to sustainably enrich Sharkproject with innovative solutions and methods.
  • Project management and organizational skills


And which is your favourite shark?

Carcharhinus longimanus (lat.)

Weißspitzen-Hochseehai (dt.)

Oceanic whitetip shark (engl.)

I see nature as something passionate, stormy, uncanny and dramatic like my own self.

Pablo Picasso