Renate Gabriel


Warum ist für Dich Haischutz, bzw. Meeresschutz wichtig?

The oceans are our source of oxygen and one of the most important factors for our climate. Marine conservation is therefore an important concern for everyone.
Sharks have populated our oceans for millions of years and have always ensured the ecological balance in the sea. And they are one of the most fascinating creatures on our planet. And due to the hunting of them, they are massively affected by extinction.

Do you have any special skills, experiences or adventures?

  • I became aware of sharks through diving.
    My skills range up to Rescue Diver
  • The fascination of the underwater world
  • I will never forget my first encounter with a white tip reef shark. Without any further knowledge about sharks, I was scared at first. It took experience and knowledge to calm my fear.
    Today, the respect has remained, but the love for sharks has grown.

And which is your favourite shark?

Rhincodon typus (lat.)

Walhai (dt.)

Whale shark (engl.)

Live and let live.

Schiller's drama, Wallenstein's Camp