Sofia M. Green


Ambassador to Galapagos

Skills and Experience

  • I have been studying whale sharks from the Galapagos Islands for the past 8 years trying to uncover the mysteries of where they reproduce, where they give birth, what their movements in the ocean are like and which areas are most important for us to protect in order to safeguard them and other endangered and vulnerable species that share these ocean areas with them.

  • We study them from Darwin's Arch and recently from the south of the archipelago through scuba diving and freediving methods. Underwater we have been working on the following: Photo identification, satellite tracking, ultrasounds, blood draws, behaviour studies, tissue sampling and more.

Why I advocate for shark conservation

Our Earth functions as one system. To achieve its conservation in the long term, the marine environment is the perfect place to start. By protecting sharks we are keeping the health of the oceans in balance and consequently keeping life on Earth in balance. Furthermore, the marine environment is still less understood than some of outer space. It is fascinating to uncover the mysteries our oceans and its giants hold in order to work towards a sustainable future where humanity lives in harmony with nature.

My favorite quote

We only protect what we love, we only love what we understand, and we only understand what we are taught.

— Jacques-Yves Cousteau

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