Inez Striegel


Project manager

Skills and Experience

  • With each encounter underwater, my fascination for diving and the beautiful underwater world continues to grow. I was incredibly lucky to encounter a whale shark relatively early in my diving career. This experience, observing this giant while snorkeling in the middle of the night, and later an encounter with tiger sharks, sparked my desire to have many more such fascinating encounters. Hence the wish to actively do something about it. That's why I became a member of SHARKPROJECT.

Why I advocate for shark conservation

I was introduced to the underwater world and diving at a very early age because my dad is a passionate diver. He always told such incredibly amazing stories about his dives that I actually got my diving license in Bali during our honeymoon. I owe it to my dad and another man that I can marvel at this wonderful tranquility underwater and its unique world. Sharks, in particular, fascinate me because these sea creatures have such impressive abilities and move so elegantly in their element, water. They also contribute enormously to the balance of the oceans. Unfortunately, these creatures, which deserve protection, have no lobby of their own and cannot stand up for themselves. Therefore, it is up to us to protect such fascinating species as hammerhead sharks, tiger sharks, as well as blue and mako sharks, to name just a few. Additionally, I very much hope to contribute to ensuring that our little son can also enjoy this underwater world and its creatures someday if he wishes to, just as my dad wished for me.

My favorite quote

Hoping for change without doing anything about it is like standing at a train station and waiting for a ship.

— Albert Einstein

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