Stella Diamant


Ambassador to Madagascar

Skills and Experience

  • I dived with bull sharks and Galapagos sharks before but mainly I have been swimming with whale sharks for 6 seasons now as part of my work with the Madagascar Whale Shark Project which I founded.

  • I learned how to interact with sharks to minimize disturbance and respect their space.

  • I recognize some by their spot patterns, and some sharks we have seen all of the six years, it’s a very special feeling to see them again after months apart where we don’t know where they’ve been!

Why I advocate for shark conservation

I think sharks get this bad press since so long, yet they are so important to the marine ecosystem, and eventually, contribute to a healthier ocean that provides oxygen for us humans to live on. They are incredible animals, which have survived 5 mass extinctions, yet we still don’t know where they go, where they give birth… We know so little. Sharks suffer from our lifestyle, love for fish and seafood, plastic pollution… yet they are so gentle and such beautiful, adapted creatures, that without us, would thrive. We can do better and need to minimize all anthropogenic impact so sharks can survive!

My favorite quote

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead

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