Christiane Kwasnitschka
Deputy National Chairperson Germany, Head of Projects & Campaigns
Skills and Experience
Curious natural scientist — even after my chemistry studies, my fascination for nature and everything related to it has never died. That's why I like to exchange ideas with others and collect all the information I can find.
Love for water sports — whether on a boat above water or diving underwater, as long as you get at least a little wet, I think it's great!
Team player — I enjoy working constructively with others in a variety of teams.
Why I advocate for shark conservation
About 70 percent of the surface of our beautiful blue planet consists of the world's oceans. This ecosystem and all its inhabitants are therefore incredibly important and worthy of protection — and of course this includes sharks as apex predators!
My favorite quote
Accept what you can not change-change that which is unacceptable
— Jennifer Fallon
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