Christine Gstöttner


Why is shark conservation or marine conservation important to you?

Sharks are not only fascinating and beautiful, but also essential for the balance of the oceans. I would like the public and politicians to be made aware of the need for protection and for us to win the finning battle against the extinction of sharks.  


Do you have any special skills, experience or expertise?

  • Many years of Sharkproject experience (project knowledge and archives), collecting since 2003 campaigns, printed material, pictures, stories and everything else that has moved Sharkproject over the last 20 years.
  • Author of all SP documents concerning shark behaviour (SSI Shark Specialist, Ocean Ranger, Multi Media DVD, Special Shark Experience) and co-author together with Gerhard Wegner of Blind Dates.
  • Diving Skills: SSI TL and PADI Staff Instructor, approx. 3000 dives, most of them with sharks.
    UW Photographer and Videographer / extensive collection of photo and video material.


And which is your favourite shark?

Alopias (lat.)

Thresher shark (German)

Thresher shark (engl.)


No one can change the past, but everyone can influence the future.