United by love for the sea and shark protection. Together for an healthy ocean. Everyone is welcome!

Did you know?

In September 2008 – exactly 6 years after the establishment of SHARKPROJECT – the national organization SHARKPROJECT Germany e.V. was founded in order to have a local presence

With currently almost 200 members, SHARKPROJECT Germany e.V. isn’t that small. And that’s not even counting the many active volunteers without membership.   

You are also more than welcome to become a part of SHARKPROJECT. Let yourself be inspired and captured by a world full of passion and lifeblood. People who want to make a difference come together here. You too can be part of it!

Board of directors

Juliane Höfler

Vice President International, Country Chair Germany, Finance & Funding International

Jasmin Finger

Deputy National Chairperson Germany

Claudia Doktor

Treasurer Germany, Head of Finance & Funding


Our organisation has received the following awards so far:

Let's make a Change together join our team today!

Want to achieve something great? You are in good company. Join our team today and start to take action.

Want to change the world from the backseat instead? That’s fine as well! Our members and donors are essential for funding our projects worldwide

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SHARKPROJECT Germany is currently supporting the following projects among others with the help of donations:

Madagascar Whaleshark Project Foundation

Fight with us for a newly discovered whale shark hotspot.

Educational programs

To raise awareness of the importance of sharks and their impact on the marine ecosystem, we offer free educational programs. These are aimed particularly at the youngest members of our society. However, on request we also offer events for adults.

Readings take place for kindergarten children and primary school pupils under the motto “What you always wanted to know about sharks”.

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The modular and age-appropriate presentations for students at secondary levels I and II are enhanced with exciting films and interesting facts.

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SHARKPROJECT offers various options to adults about species and marine conservation.

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We use donations where they are most urgently needed – all in the interests of shark and marine conservation.

Our donation account:

GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
IBAN: DE20 4306 0967 6061 6261 00

Act together for shark conservation you can help!

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